Festival season has begun in India. The season begins with joy and fasting for nine days in the honour of Goddess Durga. Dances like "Garaba" and "Dandiya" are enjoyed by all during Navratri. After Navratri, the festival of lights Diwali or Deepawali knocks our door.
So let us start preparing our delicacies for this auspicious and enjoyable Festive time!!
Coconut ladoos
grated cocnut |
2 cups grated whole dried milk(mawa/khoya) 250gm
1-1.5 cup sugar/Powdered sugar(bura)
1 teaspoon cardamon powder(ilaechi powder)
1/2 cup crushed pistachios (for garnishing)
Mawa/khoya |
In a kadahi, saute grated coconut for 2-3 minutes on low-medium flame.
Add mawa/khoya to this and saute again for few minutes till the khoya becomes tender.
Now add sugar and keep on string till it dissolves well into the coconut mixture. Add the cardamon powder and mix well. Let it cool at room temperature.
When the coconut mixture is slightly warm, form shapes of ladoos and garnish them well with pistachios powder.
Tasty Coconut ladoos are ready. Refrigerate these ladoos for longer storage.
More desserts : Banana Mithai, Shahi Tukda, Gillaori, Besan ladoos